Thursday 4 July 2013

Group Under Maintenenace

Our course email group went under maintenance, all on a sudden. immediate days before it happened, the the group was little hot with an unpleasant topic. However, many of us had been passing days as if without breakfast because it usual practice for many to open the mail and check group mails before commencing the days works. Days were passing little dull.

on 20 Jun 13, with a mail as beow, the group went under cleaning/ maintenance schedule:

8bma google mail group is under cleaning/ maintenance schedule.

Please continue your email correspondence at personal level till the cleaning/ maintenance is completed. Please see the attachment to know individual mail addresses.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards.........

Why it happened is a million dollar question.  Who directed it to happen, who are the people decided it, all remained unresolved without any prob at all.

Many days I did not usually participate in the discussions because it appeared to me that this group runs on the whims and wishes of few. As such number of activities were found to be autocratic in nature.

Sometimes it was found that the friends were expelled out of it without any kind of consensus. Even requests from many corners were rejected without due consideration to the purpose of having a group.

Current decision in disguise of Maintenance is the highest level of autocratic attitude. However, background of the maintenance is possibly being revealed slowly.

Anyway, suddenly I thought of opening a new group. Opened 8sWF. With the purpose as mentioned below:

This is a group of 8 BMA L/C officers those who volunteers to participate although all are added as a matter of friendship right. However your name shall be deleted if you intend to. This is not a substitute of our group email which is otherwise an official one. That will remain to be so.

This Web Forum is for free mind discussion on every issues of life. Friends are likely to have conflicting ideas and thought and those are expected to be resolved in a friendly manner, may not be at all sophisticated. You are welcome to write in your way as you feel.

With the strategy as:

8sWF Strategy
To Keep it Calm and Going

Share thoughts and ideas
Participate if liked
If not
Keep gaps shut
Or Get into the ring
Box on and continue
Knock off
Or get out of ring
Or bow
And remain friend
No imposition
No moderation
No authority
Let 8sWF live at its own
Or die naturally
It wouldn’t be killed
All on your discretion

Although it was a fun, someone raised questions, am I authorized to? Many were interested to de-abbreviate 8sWF. Results were interesting. I compiled guess results in a RAP with lyrics as below:

Mystery 8sWF

Guess Guess Guess
Guess all you may
Guess don’t need you
        Paid or pay

কেউ কেউ করে guess
কেউ করে না
Guess দেখে কেউ হাসে
কেউ হাসে না

Guess করে কেউ বলে
বন্য fucker (Wild Fucker)
কেউ আবার বনে যায়
একেবারে joker

কারো ভাবে বোঝা যায়
গোলামীর স্বভাভ
নষ্টামীর ভান্ডারে
নেই যেন অভাব

টাকা খাওয়া খাওয়ি নিয়ে
উঠে যায় প্রশ্ন
তাতেও পায় না গতি
হয় নাকো উষ্ণ

কেউ করে প্রশ্ন
what the fuck( WF)
সে যেন ভাবে শুধু
Cock আর cock

Guess করে কেউ বলে
বন্য যোদ্ধা (Wild Fighters)
কেউ আবার বনে যায়
বড় বড় বোদ্ধা

বৈশ্বিক দিপ্তিতে
হয়ে যায় মগ্ন
বৈশ্বিক বন্ধুত্ব (Worldwide Friendship)
হয় তার স্বপ্ন

কেউ যেন এর মাঝে
পায় খুজে গুড়
আর তাতে সে তুলে
অন্য সুর

বাকা হাসি দিয়ে ফেলে
তহবিলে দৃষ্টি (Welfare Fund)
মনে মনে ভাবে সে
এ কেমন কৃষ্টি

বাকা চোখ কারো যায়
মহিলার দিকে (Women’s Forum)
জাগ্রত কামনা
হয়নি যে ফিকে

কেউ আবার ভেবে মরে
ফেলে সব কাম
খেটে খুটে বলে ফেলে
Web Forum

এর মাঝেই অনেকে
ভুলে কাশাকাশি
মগ্ন হয়ে করে
শুধু হাসাহাসি

অজানায় এই ভাবে
যদি হই রঙ্গিন
WF হয়ে থাক
সোনার হরিণ

I also thought of compiling it as a RAP music. Result was as in the link:

8sWF - Click to download

So far it is going on well. Waiting to experience the end state.

A Happy Moment in this HARD time

We are extremely happy to know about the success of our friend
Great Imran Chowdhury - MUNNA
that on the 1st of July 2013
he  was conferred upon with the
coveted ''AWARD'' 
and that he dedicated his achievement to

''Course mates of 8th Bangladesh Military Academy long course.''

Heartiest Congratulations
him and his Family Members

Everyone of our course were extremely delighted on this event of life

Glimpses of his sweet moments

On this occasion, he wrote:


I AM DELIGHTED WITH JOY AND ENGULFED WITH EXCITEMENT TO INFORM YOU ALL THAT, ON THE 1ST OF JULY 2013 I WAS CONFERRED UPON WITH THE COVETED ''AWARD''OF ''THE FREEDOM OF CITY OF LONDON'' for all my ethical business practices, charitable work, social work and my standing tall in the British Society with good human qualities. 

It is award to introduced in 1207 and has  so far been awarded to the likes of;
Mr George Washington
Mr. J.F.kennedy
Mr. Nelson Mandela
Mr Jawaharlal Nehru
Princess Diana 

to name a few.

I think so far there only handful of Bengalis(both diaspora) were conferred upon with this award

I thought I shall share this with you and would like to dedicate it to my fellow 
''Course mates of 8th Bangladesh Military Academy long course.''

life takes you places; and never did I think I will end up here; wanted to slog as a footslogger all my life in that mil pro although I was the most unfittest of all to serve in that org.

It gives me an eternal joy to communicate with you all.

With my heart-excavated fragmented pieces of loads of affection and love and feeling to you all.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

মজা আর মজা

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me           
Cell: +8801713383912                    
Tel:  +028080629 (Office)
       +028080635 (Res-coming up)

Monday 12 March 2012

Fwd: [8bma Forum:25992] Hi Bazz

Dear Bazz and Friends,

I really can't comprehend, How Can It Happen
- that
- requesting for a reply repeatedly and not getting - while the matter is within friends

In the childhood, I noticed similar kind of behavior among parents of
পাত্র ও পাত্রী পক্ষ
I failed to understand the reason until I had experience of being in both the party and got enough age to understand societal factors.

Later, I also observed such kind of behavior in the bureaucratic arena. It also took quite some time for me to understand the reasons.

OH GOD!!!!

It seems the group is passing a time something similar to either of the above two situations.

To Me, It is very unfortunate.

Now I understand, How Mohiuddin might have felt after prolonged non-response.

Sorry Mohiuddin

It appears to me that managing a friendly group like this is possibly too complected which I would possibly never understand as I think till today and as GOLaM says.

I always loved to live at ease, and loving to live at ease too.

Wishing you all to enjoy in your way

Ho Ho


Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me
Cell: +8801713383912
Tel: Awaiting Re-location (Res)

Friday 24 February 2012

Never Ever

With the wish to assist you in keeping the memory afresh

Best regards

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me
Cell: +8801713383912
Tel: Awaiting Re-location (Res)

Friday 17 February 2012

A Feeling - Picnic 2012

Today it is 17th Feb 2012. Last week on this day, we, some of our course mates and families met together on the occasion of yearly picnic. To my perception, it was an excellent gathering without any lapses till the time I did not have a quiet reminiscence.

There were lot of fun with full reminiscence of past interesting incidents/ events.

Very normal when friends are together.

THEY normally feel unhesitating to open up with anything. feels to break every barrier and raises noise not worrying carrier. forgets whatever the age and, nothing can remain in haze. Talks and expresses whatever comes in mind, no barrier they really can find. That is the NORMAL.


IT WAS and IT WAS till I had quiet thought. Thoughts revealed different facts. I felt most burning urge of mind remained confined. Is that age and maturity was the WALL.

I remembered the excitement of ELAHI after attending a gathering like this.

Summarily his expression reveled that, we were back to our childhood


We all possibly remained in the present during the gathering. This was disturbing me quite a lot whenever I was driving last few days.


Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me
Cell: +8801713383912
Tel: Awaiting Re-location (Res)

Friday 10 February 2012

Picnic 2012

A Picnic was held at AD Bde area 0n 10th February 2012. It was an excellent gathering. After the gathering I shared few pictures of the event. I got a mail with text as follows:

খুব আনন্দ করলি মনে হয়.!!!
ফেব্রুয়ারী মাস --- আনন্দ করার মাস.
I replied the mail, with the text:
তোর মেইল পেয়ে মনটা কেমন যেন করে উঠল।
সংযুক্ত ১২ ও ১৩ নং ছবি গুলো দেখ,
কায়সারের মেয়ে। তিন বছর আগে কোলের শিশু ছিল।
এখনো কেমন মলিন মুখ।

এমদাদ ভাবী কেদে ফেলেছিল।
নাফিজ ভাবী এখনো কেমন বিষন্ন চেহারায় ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছিল।

12 & 13 No Pictures:

Month of February, really bears a different significance in our life. It is true that 'TIME IS THE BEST HEALER'. Yet, whatever the time elapsed, this significance will never loose its merit. But again, reality is reality. The picnic was really a good gathering with lot of fun and enjoyment. Life goes on that way. Dark shadows of life should fail to blur the bright illumination.

Few brilliant moments of the event follows:

Again it is Masud who was the nodal point assisted by Aziz. We only wish a meaningful bondage amongst the friends.

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me
Cell: +8801713383912
Tel: Awaiting Re-location (Res)

Saturday 24 December 2011

ও রে মোর বন্ধু ; তুমি প্রথম দিলে আমাকে ধন্যবাদ
সারা শুনেছি মার্কস, লেনিন আর মাও সেতুং এর মতবাদ

রাজনীতিতে মনোনিবেশ করাটাই ছিল মহা এক ভুল
ছিড়িতে ইচ্ছা করে মাথার সব চুল
ওদের মতবাদ আর আমার
জীবনের পাতায় পাতায় যা লেখা ; ভুল, সবই ভুল !!

জীবন একটা বিচিত্র রথযাত্রার মত গতি
আজ বৃষ্টি, কাল খরা,গতদিন ছিল কালো অমাবস্যা রাতি

পরন্ত বেলায় এসেছে আজ এক ভিন্ন উপলব্ধি
উঠেছে জেগে চিন্তার শুভ বুদ্ধি

সাধুবাদের জন্য জানাই মোর সংগ্রামী প্রনাম
লাল নীল গোলাপী সবুজ সংগ্রামী প্রনাম
আর যেন আসে না কোনো দেশের জাতির বদনাম
মোধান্ন সূর্য অস্তপ্রায় উন্নত চিত্তে চলিছে অবিরাম
জীবন একটা বিচিত্র রথযাত্রার মত গতি
মনে পড়ে সেই সব কালো ও লাল সৃতি

Imran Chowdhury
mobile: + 44(0) 780 968 2550

Monday 12 December 2011

স্বাধীনতা কি?

স্বাধীনতা কি?
স্বাধীনতা ভিন্ন চোখে ভিন্ন রুপে দেখা দেয়

আমার চোখ দেখেঃ
স্বাধীনতা অর্থই সীমাবদ্ধ স্বাধীনতা
পরিবার, সমাজ ও রাষ্ট্রীয় শৃংক্ষলে আবদ্ধ
রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বাধীনতা ও ব্যাক্তি স্বাধীনতা ঢেড় আলাদা বিষয়
রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বাধীনতাও পরিপুর্নভাবে শৃংখলমুক্ত নয়
আন্তর্জাতিক শৃংক্ষলে আবদ্ধ

স্বাধীনতা তখনই অসম্মানিত হয়
ব্যাক্তি, ব্যাক্তির স্বাধীনতায় ব্যঘাত ঘটায়
পরিবার, পরিবারের স্বাধীনতায় ব্যঘাত ঘটায়
রাষ্ট্র, রাষ্ট্রের স্বাধীনতায় ব্যঘাত ঘটায়

পৃথিবী, রাষ্ট্রের স্বাধীনতায় ব্যঘাত ঘটালে
স্বাধীনতা মোটেই অসম্মানিত হয় না

আমার প্রশ্নঃ
আজ আমাদের স্বাধীনতার কিরুপ মুল্যায়ন যুক্তিযুক্ত?

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me           
Cell: +8801713383912                    
Tel:  Awaiting Re-location (Res)        

Thursday 22 September 2011

A Moment by the Side of Mamun

Heart throbbed as I heard Mamun's sickness and possibly missed some bits as I sat beside him and as unfolded the dreadful events those took place yesterday.  Feeling that I had is, it is a special privilege from the Almighty Allah for which I and my family members were able to sit beside Mamun and could pass a quality evening with him and his family members.

Oh! What a horror! Yesterday, once Mamun went to CMH for taking the injection what he was taking for last several weeks as prescribed by the doctor for his recently developed Kidney problem, Medical Assistant at Offr's Ward suggested him to go to the appropriate ward for the injection since there is some likelihood of complication and if so Offr's Ward is not having facilities to manage. Unusually he accepted the suggestion and went there. There were two ampule of injection. Once the first one was pushed, he started feeling bad, expressed his feeling, 2nd one was pushed without due consideration to his feeling, and with no time he started collapsing and collapsed, Bhabi grabbed him and prevented him from falling to the ground, his BP was found to be zero, she started shouting, fortunately the concerned doctor was just in front of the lift for departing, came rushing, pushed condensed glucose with no time without much thinking, Almighty was kind.

I missed to get him in the CMH but found him in the CSD. In the afternoon we went to his residence. It was wonderful being together which is usually wonderful whenever we are together. My son enjoys with his son, my daughter enjoys with his daughter and all these always helps us enjoying a quality time whenever we get together at whatever place it is.

Bhabi was extremely happy for getting us there after quite a while. She cooked nice food and to celebrate further she brought out a special fruit namely JARA, a kind of giant lemon.

Dear friends, please take care of your health.

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me            
Cell: +8801713383912                    
Tel:  Awaiting Re-location (Res)        

Wednesday 21 September 2011


 ''I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness…" Dalia lama.

after a boring, dull and angry few days of despair; today I have received a good news and which has made immensely happy. I was about enter the shower are a gruelling 10 KM of cycle ride half of against the wind head on at a speed of about 25-30mph. Was tiring and the legs were aching.. needed a hot shower to ease the muscle at that very time I don't know why entered the bath room with the fone and an email arrived sound sounded in the mist of it all. Out of my normal inquisitiveness; reached for the phone and found an email from a dear friend for far away; a friend for the last 30 years.
the content of his email has made me say wow and what a relief it is. I did call him on Monday and it went in to no answer message after numerous rings and was worries since then looked at the time chart a few time but every i look it is either too early morning or it is too late at night.

the gentleman in question has just got his all clearance from his doctor and I can imagine how happy it has made him indeed. It is like wining the lottery when you have a the last hundred bucks. wow. what a pleasant news these has been; since then I was pondering with writing something on it.
life is a big lottery; life gives jack pot prize in fragment and that is life and that is what makes this life so precious and we live every moment of it so diversely. though I never believed in any thing worse for him; he is fit guy looks 20 years younger than his real age and likes showing off his biceps and triceps and his big handle bar moustache. One of the finest human being you can come across. A human being who has so much of good attributes in him that some times make me jealous of him. He is one of the few friends who can remember the names of all of our kids who he has never seen or spoken.
An excellent heart full simplicity and I was wonder why in that simple heart there could be clinical complications ; can't be and I am afraid guess wasn't wrong. He deserve to shine above the rest. His resolve and his accommodation of idiosyncrasies of friends and others is magnanimous. He has been one of the motivator who had been relentlessly trying to unite the un-united camaraderie(APPARENTLY ; but to me it is always been the best ) of our all class mates from our epitome Alma mater. His perseverance reminds me of Edmond Hillary and Sherpa ten zing's ascending to the peak of Everest in 1952 ( if i am not wrong).
Honestly, by far this has been one of the best news I have heard in the last few week and hope I could express my feeling as how it has uplifted my descending spirits for the last couple of weeks.
I humbled and honoured to have a friend like him.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Golfing as a Good Gesture

Nature also cried early morning to join the gloomy friends and family members in the Army Golf Club to bid farewell to Nazumuddin, although Nazimuddin is only leaving for a foreign assignment. No matter whatever rewarding the assignment is, friends are likely to have a kind of empty feeling once another is away, that is the kind of gesture expressed through the Mini Golf Tournament organized by Ahsan.

Due to the nature's emotional outburst, only few could join but Tarik did not miss this opportunity to visit the 'Palm View' and enjoy the fabulous food and carry a momentous memory of wonderful fellow feelings.

Bhabees spontaneous participation in the program is certainly notable. Spirited Ahsan Bhabee played Golf for the first time but demonstrated wonderful performance that shows excellence of Ahsan as a Golf Couch at home.

This really a praiseworthy spirit of 8bma members


18/9 2011 (07:15), pm
First ever experienced such severe earthquake few minutes back, everything in the building was shaking significantly, instantly mother and mother in law called from home at Rangpur, brothers called, no friends called but I saw my daughter is called by her friend, felt that we aging and age can never put children away ...........................

Wishing all the best for all

May Allah help us all

Life is a Test, Do Your Best
I Love to Say & Love to Follow
Please Pray For Me            
Cell: +8801713383912                    
Tel:  Awaiting Re-location (Res)        

Wednesday 14 September 2011


~  ~  গ্রীষ্ম কাল ~ ~

সবুজাভো মহা উত্সবে অননন্দিত  বৃক্ষরাজি

আন্দোলিত  পত্র গুলো  মৃদু সমীরণে

পাখি ও গেয়ে চলে গান আর খাচ্ছে ডিকবাজি  

গৃহ পালিত মানুষ ও ছুটে যেতে চাই বনে

আবেগাপ্লুত রিদয় হারিয়ে যেতে চাই ক্ষণে ক্ষণে

বৃক্ষ, লতা, পাতা ধরেছিল  এক গারো রং  সবুজ

সব দেখে   মনটা আমার কেমনে হতে চাই অবুঝ .......



Saturday 10 September 2011

I don't feel to say BYE

Thanks to Almighty Allah for being able to get Shams in my office prior to his departure to UK on 07 Sep 11 while Farid and Sakereen joined me and that ended with a working lunch. It was really a happy moment that gave me wonderful feeling of bonded friendship that we achieved through last about 30 years. Beside the usual fun, the discussions those we had during this time were really worth and very much matching to our age. From those discussions, my understanding was further strengthened that, it is time for us to view life with a different perspective. May Almighty Allah help us all.


Sunday 28 August 2011

Iftar 2011

With the initiative of Masud, quite a number of course mates were together again on the occasion of Ramadhan Iftar. Participation in the gathering was although encouraging, it could possibly be much more if this event was organized some other day instead of the day before 27th Ramadhan. Presence of Shams (Now UK Probashi) was an added attraction. He was too extremely delighted on being able to meet so many course mates while he was smelling the swadeshi soil for only a while.

Huda and Zaman sir snatched this opportunity and sponsored the event that added further value to it. Not only that Huda took part in sponsoring the event to celebrate his recent promotion, he also brought special sweet and curd (Doi) all the way from Rajendrapur, the place of his new posting.

Although, it was Ramadhan, participants were not at all hesitant to extract full enjoyment through a friendly Gop Shop. As Raihan Mahbub appeared, Bazz said, as I see him to be a wearied elderly person, he too possibly having same impression looking at me. Mean to say, we yet tend to nurture a full of life mentality.

Before the Iftar, a prayer (Monajat) session was held and in that we prayed for all our departed friends and also for a better life of our living friends. We wish to remain healthy happy young man among friends for ever……………….

Wednesday 24 August 2011


আবার কি আসিবে ফিরে?

আবার আসিও ফিরে ধান সিড়ি নদীটির তীরে

হয়ত বা সঙ্ক চিল শালিকের বেশে

রেজা,নাফিজ,জাহিদ, কায়সার

শুনাইও আমাদের তোমাদের উপ্পাখান

জানিনা কেন তোমাদের মনে পড়ে বারবার

বর্বর করে নাই ওরা তোমাদের সম্মান

এলাহী, মকবুল ,আখতার ও এমদাদ লহ সালাম

তোমাদের জানায় আমার সহস্র কোটি প্রনাম

আবার আসিও ফিরে ধান সিড়ি নদীটির তীরে

হয়ত বা সঙ্ক চিল শালিকের বেশে....

আসিয়া যেও আমাদের দেখে

ভুলি নাই তোমাদের যাই নাই আমরা বখে

বন্ধু হারানোর দুখে সবাই মোরা আহত

লহ মোর সালাম বন্ধু করিয়াছি গর্ভো অবনত....

দিন, মাস, বছর আসে ঘুরে

ভাবি কেন তোমরা চলে গেলে অত দুরে

আবার আসিও ফিরে ধান সিড়ি নদীটির তীরে

হয়ত বা সঙ্ক চিল শালিকের বেশে.......

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Good to See Friends Meeting Abroad

We feel proud once we see such occasions taking place, wherever it is, at home or abroad. Chowdhury visited Canada from USA and called on Mohiuddin at his residence. Raju chalk ran to see both. Also it is nice to know that, Mohiuddin wanted his friends to be less formal.

Sunday 21 August 2011


Dream is dream but this is a HOW DARE a dream.

Dreams have no patterns as such. It can be played like a roll of celluloid like a cinema. People for a long time played tricks with dream .

I totally agree with ur jemon Kushi temon shajo.Yes, you and I were bystanders in the theatre. waiting for the prompter to say my dialogue and leave the stage (with ) (withing a bracket a podaghath) was a joke.

Most of placed or most of the countries people join army for different reasons but in my country every member of the armed forces joined to make living to be the bread winner. 

Which was not in my case. I joined because that was my childhood dream. There r a very few like me. 

This is a very different kind of profession. 

I agree that you pretended All along. The promotion bit is the real urge of ur hearts reflection where u have very little control. 

Because it is (army) made up with maximum number of bread earners hence, there is a mammoth rat race go on. Jealousy, back biting, cover up, conflict n the whole organisation is at each others throat that's why the outsider vested qtr enter the army and penetrate with ideology so quickly; some become too dogmatic Muslims(some become fanatics) , some turned  leftist, some become sunni to Shia to vice versa, some right wing an some become bad, thee is no neutral gear, but i guess  i fell down near mouth of  the ENCLOSURE....

The killing was brought by the offr. The brutality was bad n obnoxious but it was the sedimentation of anger n suppression over the last 40 years. 

Our predecessors officers showed worse brutality to politicians n towards  officers like taher/ faruk -dalim-rashid/ Khaled Musharraf / manjur/ zia - ershad ..that time the jawans watched and learned now they paid us back in the right coin. U can feel bad but can't blame anyone ; because the offrs of bd army r the pioneers to show/teach and prectice the 1st instance of the  brutality .

Off course u n I are supposed to feel bad ; the fact is a fact; a fact can never be concealed. It was offrs pay back time. I do my researches and i know what i am talking about...........many will not agree with me but one day many will join me ..echoing my tune............

Dean ; ad hoc ; well: the whole of the country is running on ad arer no exception to it. Unfair . Loads of better n worse nomunas n odd jhonnies became general but u r not, you are a better man than many i happen to know.

Over a good dream. Dreams are essence of our lives. Dream at times give Aspiration: hope: resolve
"You don't even know
what a dream is;
how did it come?"
"It didn't come,
it was there."

dream;It acts as a fragrance of ur wish-list.