Why it happened is a million dollar question. Who directed it to happen, who are the people decided it, all remained unresolved without any prob at all.
Many days I did not usually participate in the discussions because it appeared to me that this group runs on the whims and wishes of few. As such number of activities were found to be autocratic in nature.
Sometimes it was found that the friends were expelled out of it without any kind of consensus. Even requests from many corners were rejected without due consideration to the purpose of having a group.
Current decision in disguise of Maintenance is the highest level of autocratic attitude. However, background of the maintenance is possibly being revealed slowly.
Anyway, suddenly I thought of opening a new group. Opened 8sWF. With the purpose as mentioned below:
This is a group of 8 BMA L/C officers those who volunteers to participate although all are added as a matter of friendship right. However your name shall be deleted if you intend to. This is not a substitute of our group email which is otherwise an official one. That will remain to be so.
This Web Forum is for free mind discussion on every issues of life. Friends are likely to have conflicting ideas and thought and those are expected to be resolved in a friendly manner, may not be at all sophisticated. You are welcome to write in your way as you feel.
With the strategy as:
I also thought of compiling it as a RAP music. Result was as in the link:
8sWF - Click to download
So far it is going on well. Waiting to experience the end state.