Thursday 4 July 2013

A Happy Moment in this HARD time

We are extremely happy to know about the success of our friend
Great Imran Chowdhury - MUNNA
that on the 1st of July 2013
he  was conferred upon with the
coveted ''AWARD'' 
and that he dedicated his achievement to

''Course mates of 8th Bangladesh Military Academy long course.''

Heartiest Congratulations
him and his Family Members

Everyone of our course were extremely delighted on this event of life

Glimpses of his sweet moments

On this occasion, he wrote:


I AM DELIGHTED WITH JOY AND ENGULFED WITH EXCITEMENT TO INFORM YOU ALL THAT, ON THE 1ST OF JULY 2013 I WAS CONFERRED UPON WITH THE COVETED ''AWARD''OF ''THE FREEDOM OF CITY OF LONDON'' for all my ethical business practices, charitable work, social work and my standing tall in the British Society with good human qualities. 

It is award to introduced in 1207 and has  so far been awarded to the likes of;
Mr George Washington
Mr. J.F.kennedy
Mr. Nelson Mandela
Mr Jawaharlal Nehru
Princess Diana 

to name a few.

I think so far there only handful of Bengalis(both diaspora) were conferred upon with this award

I thought I shall share this with you and would like to dedicate it to my fellow 
''Course mates of 8th Bangladesh Military Academy long course.''

life takes you places; and never did I think I will end up here; wanted to slog as a footslogger all my life in that mil pro although I was the most unfittest of all to serve in that org.

It gives me an eternal joy to communicate with you all.

With my heart-excavated fragmented pieces of loads of affection and love and feeling to you all.

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